
  • Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency: An Emerging Paradigm in Medicine


    The concept of Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CED) is a hypothesis that suggests an underactive endocannabinoid system (ECS) may contribute to the pathogenesis of certain chronic conditions.

  • 5 Tips for Evaluating that New Research Study on Cannabis


    You’re scrolling through your news feed and you come across an announcement about a new study that claims cannabis use causes heart disease.

    Should you believe it? Is it trustworthy? How can you tell?

  • Cannabis and Driving: Navigating the Risks and Realities


    As the legalization of cannabis continues to spread across the United States, a critical concern that has emerged is the increase in driving under the influence of cannabis. This trend poses significant challenges to road safety and public health. Understanding the implications of cannabis-impaired driving is essential for both policymakers, patients, and the general public.

  • Why Physicians Should Seek Education About Cannabis


    If you’re like most physicians, you are likely ignoring most of the hubbub about cannabis that is in the news these days.  Your patients certainly aren’t.   

  • Happy Holidays from ACS!


    The Association of Cannabinoid Specialists wishes you a warm, peaceful, and merry holiday season. Let's reflect on some of the accomplishments we've made together in 2024.

  • Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC: What’s the Difference?


    Delta-8 THC and delta-9 THC are both types of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main compounds found in the cannabis plant. They have similar chemical structures but are regulated differently and have different safety profiles. This discussion focuses on these two aspects to better understand their potential effects and risks on our patients.

  • 5 Things Medical Students Should Know About Medical Cannabis


    With 10+ years counseling patients on the use of medical cannabis, here are 5 tips I wish I had known earlier in my career.

  • Member Spotlight: Bria Brumfield


    Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

    A: My name is Bria N. Brumfield. I am 23 years old with a Bachelors of science in Health Science from Spelman College. I am currently receiving my Master of Science in Biotechnology & Medical Cannabis Therapy while being a full-time Clinical Research Coordinator at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL.

  • Introduction to Cannabinoid Medicine


    Our patients are likely struggling with cannabis more than you realize. While medical and recreational legalization have been moving quickly and seem like “it’s all fun and games”, the reality is that our patients, whether using medically or recreationally, need our intervention and guidance more than ever.

  • Psychedelics: A Clinical Perspective


    On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, the Association of Cannabinoid Specialists welcomed Eugene Vortsman, DO to present on Psychedelic Medicine: A Clinical Perspective.