
ACS provides multiple resources to help people go from Cannabis 101 to understanding the latest cannabis research.  We provide useful education for the following groups:

Health_care_Professionals ACS’ content includes journals, Clinical Grand Rounds, Reference Library and an Educational Series with video courses and related exams to elevate your knowledge and patient interactions.

Industry professionals can benefit from any of the available cannabis education resources, but we encourage anyone involved in creating products or selling to patients to take ACS’ “Budtender Training Course”.

Regulators_and_Lawmakers For those responsible for creating and regulating the industry, it is critical for you to understand the human endocannabinoid system and why treating patients properly is important.



Minor_cannabinoids Class_clapping


Designed by professionals across multiple disciplines, our courses are designed to optimize cannabinoid education.


ACS is proud to offer a vast array of videos, from our student lecture series and symposiums to our Casual Conversations.  Stay up to date with ACS by subscribing to our Youtube.


ACS_blog Members_only


ACS policies, recent news items, member spotlights, cannabinoid education, and scientific research are all common items found on the ACS blog.  Check back often!

Member Area

Full of networking and cannabis education resources, the member area is for members only.  Sign up as a member by clicking here.