Association of Cannabinoid Specialists’ Position on Medical Use of Cannabinoids as Applied to Special Groups
Association of Cannabinoid Specialists (ACS) wishes to reiterate that, to the extent that medical use of cannabis or cannabinoid medicines is available to the general public in any jurisdiction and supported by human-based scientific evidence, all patients must have access to such cannabinoid treatment when offered under the guidance of a duly-authorized medical prescriber.
Association of Cannabinoid Specialists’ Position on Medical Use of Cannabinoids for Prisoners and Parolees
A Response to Pending Hearing in the Case of State of West Virginia vs. Schober
The Endocannabinoid System and Colitis: Exploring the clinical data surrounding the use of cannabis for inflammatory bowel disease
Preclinical data supports the use of cannabinoids for gastrointestinal inflammation, but does this translate into patient outcomes?
Questions Patients Commonly Ask (That Doctors Should Know How to Answer)
When considering medical cannabis, patients often have numerous questions for their physicians. These questions typically revolve around safety, efficacy, legal issues, and personal concerns. Here are some of the most common questions patients are likely to ask their physicians about medical cannabis:
ACS Presents: A Policy Panel on Rescheduling
On September 24, 2024, the Association of Cannabinoid Specialists ( hosted a paneled event surrounding the topic of policy and rescheduling, and what it means for patients and clinicians.
Member Spotlight: Alicia Schaal, BSN, RN, PHN
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
A: My name is Alicia Schaal, I am a health care professional, and I'm the owner and CEO of Midwest Cannabis Professionals, LLC, a medical cannabis consulting company based in Minneapolis, MN.
Colitis and the Endocannabinoid System: Unveiling Preclinical Insights
With the incidence of colitis on the rise, is cannabis the cure we’ve been waiting for?
Opportunities for Pharmacists in the Cannabis Industry: How to be Prepared
While cannabis as medicine is not new, the healthcare provider’s venture into the cannabis industry may be a new journey for many. In state medical marijuana programs doctors are the people who “recommend” cannabis (presently there is no actual prescription for cannabis).
The Increasing Prevalence of Cannabis Use Disorder and the Importance of Physician Guidance
In recent years, cannabis, also known as marijuana, has become more prevalent and accepted in many societies around the world. With the legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use in several states and countries, its consumption has significantly increased.
Overview of Minor Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Potential Uses
On July 23, 2024, the Association of Cannabinoid Specialists was proud to invite ACS President and Founder Jordan Tishler, MD back to the podium as he presented on an Overview of Minor Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Potential Uses.