Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
A: My name is Sandra Carrillo, and I am a medical doctor. I have had a clinical practice in Colombia for several years. I am a specialist in cannabinoid-based medicine.
I am also President of the Colombian Medical Association of Cannabis Medicine (ASOMEDCCAM) and Professor in charge of the Scientific Program of Medicinal Cannabis Faculty of Medicine University of Panama. Furthermore, I am co-founder of Medicann IPS Medical Cannabis Clinics (Colombia).
In addition to these responsibilities I am a review board member for the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine (AJEM) and a Scientific Committee Member of the Columbian Medicinal Cannabis Observatory (OCCM).
Q: Do you have a medical specialty?
A: I have a master’s in health services administration, certified in research epidemiology, and trained in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. I am also a cannabinoid specialist.
Q: What got you interested in cannabis as medicine?
A: I got interested in cannabinoid therapies for the first time when I saw children with refractory epilepsy improving with these therapies. (Watch Dr. Carrillo's symposium on epilepsy here.)
Q: Do you have any research interests or any articles or studies to share?
A: I’m an international advocate for education and research and have participated in numerous meetings helping to advance the regulatory frameworks in different countries such as Colombia and Panama, among others.
I’m passionate about education. I have been a professor at multiple universities in Latin America and co-creator of many educational programs for doctors, such as diploma certifications with universities and certification programs with different academic institutions. I’m the Director of the certification program for Prescription of Cannabinoid Medicine, in alliance with the Colombian College of Physicians.
I have spoken in more than twenty countries on three different continents about the importance of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the therapeutic applications of cannabinoids in medicine.
I’m also part of the International Phytomedicines Institute. Our main goal is to eliminate disparities in education and promote research through a global initiative.
My main research interest is cancer.
Q: What does ACS mean to you?
A: ACS is a scientific organization that gathers health care professionals from around the world who are interested in updated knowledge through science-based education. It’s also a very important community to share clinical and professional experiences with like-minded physicians.
Two of ACS’s main goals are to promote education based on scientific evidence and advocate for the safe access to treatment for patients. These goals resonate with me, as an advocate for patients and education.
Dr. Carrillo is a former professor for the first certification of applications of Cannabinoids in Clinical practice for medical doctors at CES University.
She is an International speaker and advocate with appearances in many countries, including the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Jamaica, Brazil, Portugal, Malta, and the United Kingdom.
Her trainings and certifications include: Society of Cannabis Clinicians (TMC iGlobal), Diplomate Certification Program for Clinicians in Cannabinoids Prescription CES University, Certified in Medical Cannabis program Oaksterdam California, Spectrum Academy Certification (Ottawa), AJEM University Certification in Cannabinoids Based Medicine and Pharmacology at University Puerto Rico.
She continues her work on educational programs to train doctors and health care practitioners and developing research protocols.
Dr. Carrillo is the Co-Founder of the Panama Food Bank and Volunteer at the Children's Epilepsy foundation (LUCES) in Panama.