Deondra Asike, MD

Deondra Asike, MD

Deondra Asike, MD

Advisory Board

Deondra Asike, MD is double board certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine. She is a Clinical Associate in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins since 2015. She is a veteran of the United States Air Force and deployed to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan in 2013. Dr. Asike is currently serving a second term on the Maryland Department of Health Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Advisory Board. Additionally, she chairs the Maryland Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council and The Maryland State Medical Society Cannabis Committee (MedChi).

She is a specialty expert and Maryland Spokesperson for Doctors for Drug Policy Reform, the nation’s first physician organization dedicated to the legalization, taxation, and effective regulation of cannabis for adults. She believes strongly in a holistic approach to chronic pain management that includes proper nutrition, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and cannabis as medicine. Dr. Asike is a certifying provider with the Maryland Cannabis Administration. In 2022 she founded National Pain ReLEAF, a consultation practice primarily focused on guiding both patients and members of their healthcare team through a safe and effective incorporation of cannabis into a comprehensive pain treatment.

In her spare time, Dr. Asike enjoys taking cooking classes and engaging in playful activities with her two young boys, Ethan and Gabriel.

Watch Dr. Asike teach Communicating Cannabis Use Before Surgery in this symposium video.

To take Dr. Asike's course Approach to Cannabis and Anesthesia, click here.